Sunday, November 27, 2011


Collections can be a beautiful thing and if displayed correctly, they can add a very personal feel to your home that is hard to find elsewhere.

On the other hand, collections can be an eye-sore and if not displayed correctly, they can become the unattractive focal point. Below are techniques to organize a collection and keep it looking great:

1. Respect your collection. Demonstrate that you appreciate the time that went in to building it.

2. Group like items together.  This may create multiple groupings that can be used in different areas of the home.  If appropriate, try to eliminate any items that cannot be put in a group.

3. The importance of properly displaying the items- if something is truly valued, it deserves an appropriate (uncluttered) spot in the home.

4. The value of negative space- the empty spots are just as important as the places that hold items. 

5. Set limitations on what should be added to the collection. (I once told a client she wasn't allowed to buy another china until she bought a bigger house. I meant it.)

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