Monday, January 07, 2013


Did you make your New Year resolution list yet? I did not. And have to admit- I have never done.  But, last year I had a dream list about things I wanted to accomplish in 2012 and many of them came true! So, this year I decided to DREAM BIG.  
I would never want to come to the end of my life and wish I had dreamed bigger and tried harder to make those dreams come true. I prefer to dream big, plan big, take big risks, work really hard, and celebrate awesome results!

So....I'm very excited about the possibilities for 2013. I have begun to make a name for my business in the community and I've made some new friends, connections and referrals that I 'm really looking forward to work with them this year.  I want to grow my business bigger and bigger; I want to help people decorating their houses, to solve their design dilemmas… to design for better living.

I can’t imagine a year without learning so that is definitely on my DREAM list for 2013. This will mean changes are expected in 2013.

I know it is a lot of work, and it is sometimes a challenge (Some days I feel as if all of the balls I have in the air will come crashing down…).  I will be really pushing myself WAY out of my comfort zone (which is pretty hard to do). But I say…”I take it”! What do I really have to lose? If I am not willing to take that lid off the jar that holds my deepest desires, how in the world I can achieve them? How people who can help me achieving these goals will know about them?

Happy New Year!

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