Friday, December 21, 2012

Around Traditions....

Like many of you, the Holidays are my favorite time of year. And I think that the major reason that the Season is so special is: TRADITIONS …… special memories that last a lifetime.

My mom always took so much time to make Christmas loving and meaningful. Now, I want to share my love and my style in my own home, and my only hope is that when my daughters have children of their own, they will be inspired to create “Holiday Style” for their families.


It is because of Tradition that my tree is always full of colors. It is such fun getting each and every ornament out from the collection and remembering where we bought it or got it from as we hung it on the tree. Each year we buying a new ornament; either from the place we went to or we make them with children...

Cooking and baking is a big part of my Holiday Tradition. So the kitchen is always decorated, too. That way I can enjoy holiday style in the kitchen while I pour my heart out into the recipes for those I love. And we always listen to our favorite holiday songs to keep us in that Holiday Spirit.

And the ginger bread house with perfect frosting (tasted many times that’s why is so scattered) and candy (really the one that did not taste good…)


Gift wrapping is a big “to do” as well, usually, late night when children are sleeping. I try to coordinate with the overall décor…the packages always so pretty that you hate to open them; the wrapping is definitely part of the experience.


Holidays can be loving, nurturing which does not mean that cannot be with full of style all at the same time. I think that the Christmas season brings out a bit of a designer in all of us. Don’t you agree? And the best thing is that you get to decide what sort of style you want to bring to your home and those you love.


Happy Holiday Season!

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