Tuesday, September 04, 2012


Can we mix furniture?? Today’s trend in interior design is the mixing of periods and styles. It adds dimension and interest to any project. Most of the interior should, however, be unified by the same style, same period or same philosophy.  In other words, a fine antique can absolutely work in an ultramodern space.


SébastienSiraudeau, a photographer and an author of "French Style at Home", illustrates the effortless way owners blend periods, from Gustavian antiques to Charles Eames chairs to industrial-steel cafe furniture. "Technology and comfort can all be mixed in an old-style house here," he says. "In France, young people don't avoid antiques or old family things. They actually like to recycle objects from the past and maybe use them in a new way, especially if they provide a link to their childhood"…. 
a silver finished metal and glass top of the coffee table and mixed with wood, stone, or mirrored furniture
The "Provence" mantel design with chairs from
Bernhardt Furniture
Ornate tradition of moulding meets modern furniture
Modern eclectic living room mixing restored vintage
collections with modern
Queen Anne chairs sit across from a mid century modern pair. Completely different styles and eras, but it works
What is your opinion? I would love to hear from you.
I must say- I like it….
~ Anna

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